Friday, April 12, 2013

A Day with Green Tara

Tara is called the mother of all Buddhas. In Tibet she is known as the bodhisattva of compassion, one who will relieve us of physical, emotional and spiritual suffering.

There are 21 Taras, each with a different colour and action.

White Tara is associated with compassion and long life. It is said the eye in her hand is witness to  all suffering.

Green Tara is associated with enlightened activity and abundance. She is also able to save us from eight particular dangers including robbers, tigers, snakes and demons, which we can translate into modern dangers or human emotions.

Spend the day with Green Tara - a creative workshop.
- hear some of her stories and learn of their importance in Tibetan religion and culture.
- practice some simple Green Tara mantras, meditations and visualisations.
- learn how to apply Green Tara wisdom in your daily life.
- start a creative project with Green Tara as your inspiration.
- make a small Green Tara travelling shrine from paper and fabric.

At the end of the workshop you will have an idea of how to use Green Tara as an inspirational energy in your life and feel the sense of abundance and joy that comes from spending the day with her.

Venue and times for the next Green Tara workshop to be confirmed.

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