On 25th November 2015 - night of the full moon - the local sangha did
their last Ganapuja at Namgyalgar South.
Afterwards we gathered in the carpark watching the moon rise while comforting each other with group hugs as we farewelled the Gar.
These photos captured on Lisa Kempster's phone (which is why she is not in the pics) show a dedicated band of DC members who were taking care of details right down to the last moment.
There is also a pic of one of the many possums who enjoyed the uninvited guests offerings
outside the Gonpa on numerous occasions over the years. They will miss us!
It is fortunate that the local group of Vajra Dancers and any visiting dancers can continue to use the mandala on Monday mornings.
The local sangha will now hold group practices in each others homes. Any practitioners visiting the south coast region can find out about our practice schedule on the South Coast NSW page at Namgyalgar website (under Community - Regions) or via Viki.
Text by Viki Forscutt
Pics by Lisa Kempster