Some pics from our Dream Yoga weekend with Michael Katz, Redfern Townhall, Sydney, January 2014.
This informative, uplifting and enlightening weekend was a combination of lecture, discussion, meditation and practical workshopping, designed to give us a tangible taste for realising our potential through the dreaming process and dream state.
Michael skillfully guided us in many different ways:
pairs work on transformation
more psycho drama of dreams
celebrating a birthday
working with attachment
quoting wisdom from Tibetan masters
reminding us how to prepare for the yoga of dreams throughout the day
teaching us how to regard the past moment as a dream
a guided nap, a lucid dream ...
reporting back
sharing our dreaming stories
writing our dreams
describing our dreams: 'when I was in this dream I....."
and of course camping it up for the camera
We will be holding monthly meet ups in Sydney to continue to explore the yoga of dreams. If you are interested please join our Tibetan Dream Yoga and Meditation Meet Up Group.
Michael Katz Australian Dream Yoga Tour was hosted by the Dzogchen Community of Namgyalgar. He is the editor of Dream Yoga and The Practice of Natural Light by noted Tibetan scholar and master, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, and the author of Tibetan Dream Yoga, The Royal Road to Enlightenment.